
Inspiring a new way to rent tech

Snr PD - Contract

Mobile & Web

Jan - Mar 2022

Snr PD - Contract

Mobile & Web

Jan - Mar 2022


Inspiring a new way to rent tech

Snr PD - Contract

Mobile & Web



Inspiring a new way to rent tech


Inspiring a new way to rent tech

Snr PD - Contract

Mobile & Web

Jan - Mar 2022

Snr PD - Contract

Mobile & Web



Inspiring a new way to rent tech

Excite and inspire Grover customers

The Prolem

How might we create a discovery experience that inspires and excites existing customers to rent more tech from Grover?

The role

I provided temporary cover for Grover as they built out their design team with permanent staff. Together with existing designers and key stakeholders, we quickly developed new concepts to showcase the flexibility of Grover's offerings and demonstrate their unique value proposition to customers.

The Challenges

Prior to working with Grover, I was not familiar with their business model. Therefore, I had to quickly gain an understanding of their operations, design assets, user pain points, and business needs. Luckily, I was able to participate in key workshops with key stakeholders, allowing me to ask targeted questions and gather important insights.

Rapid concept development

Step 1

Understand the user

As part of our sprint explorations we were split into two teams. My team was tasked with taking the existing user journey. Working with key stakeholders and team members from different areas of the business we used what was known, tested and assumed to build out an ideal flow.

Step 1

Understand the user

As part of our sprint explorations we were split into two teams. My team was tasked with taking the existing user journey. Working with key stakeholders and team members from different areas of the business we used what was known, tested and assumed to build out an ideal flow.

Step 1

Understand the user

As part of our sprint explorations we were split into two teams. My team was tasked with taking the existing user journey. Working with key stakeholders and team members from different areas of the business we used what was known, tested and assumed to build out an ideal flow.

Step 2

Visualise our concept

After plenty of discussion and iteration on the ideal user flow, I built this into basic wireframes to illustrate the journey. This is where we got to be a bit more creative and brought in some of our concept, this concept was inspired by IKEA.

Step 2

Visualise our concept

After plenty of discussion and iteration on the ideal user flow, I built this into basic wireframes to illustrate the journey. This is where we got to be a bit more creative and brought in some of our concept, this concept was inspired by IKEA.

Step 2

Visualise our concept

After plenty of discussion and iteration on the ideal user flow, I built this into basic wireframes to illustrate the journey. This is where we got to be a bit more creative and brought in some of our concept, this concept was inspired by IKEA.

Step 3

Create an accurate prototype

Working alongside another designer, we built out the two concepts, with the aim to get them as realistic as possible, ready for two days of user testing. We saved time by using Grovers existing components as well as working together to create some new components that both concepts used. This allowed me to focus the newer Ui aspects & interactions of my teams concept.

Step 3

Create an accurate prototype

Working alongside another designer, we built out the two concepts, with the aim to get them as realistic as possible, ready for two days of user testing. We saved time by using Grovers existing components as well as working together to create some new components that both concepts used. This allowed me to focus the newer Ui aspects & interactions of my teams concept.

Step 4

Test with real users

Testing these concepts with 7 users quickly gave us a clear concept to progress with. We found users liked the lifestyle imagery & the animated elements were a nice delighter. The ease of adding all to cart was also well received which reduced effort and a lowered the barrier to purchase.

Step 4

Test with real users

Testing these concepts with 7 users quickly gave us a clear concept to progress with. We found users liked the lifestyle imagery & the animated elements were a nice delighter. The ease of adding all to cart was also well received which reduced effort and a lowered the barrier to purchase.

Step 4

Test with real users

Testing these concepts with 7 users quickly gave us a clear concept to progress with. We found users liked the lifestyle imagery & the animated elements were a nice delighter. The ease of adding all to cart was also well received which reduced effort and a lowered the barrier to purchase.

Key learnings and takeaways

Be vocal.
It’s all well and good creating these tools, but to ensure their use you need to continue to push for their use.

Involve the team.
The best way to get buy-in is to have the team create and use the tools alongside you. Involve the right people for the best results.

Be transparent.
Many of these artefacts and processes helped other teams in the company. Some used the flows regularly to understand the product, and others enjoyed being able to understand the design process.

People like to collaborate.
It became clear when running workshops, people like to collaborate and solve problems together, utilise this energy and bring teams together.

Be vocal.
It’s all well and good creating these tools, but to ensure their use you need to continue to push for their use.

Involve the team.
The best way to get buy-in is to have the team create and use the tools alongside you. Involve the right people for the best results.

Be transparent.
Many of these artefacts and processes helped other teams in the company. Some used the flows regularly to understand the product, and others enjoyed being able to understand the design process.

People like to collaborate.
It became clear when running workshops, people like to collaborate and solve problems together, utilise this energy and bring teams together.

Be vocal.
It’s all well and good creating these tools, but to ensure their use you need to continue to push for their use.

Involve the team.
The best way to get buy-in is to have the team create and use the tools alongside you. Involve the right people for the best results.

Be transparent.
Many of these artefacts and processes helped other teams in the company. Some used the flows regularly to understand the product, and others enjoyed being able to understand the design process.

People like to collaborate.
It became clear when running workshops, people like to collaborate and solve problems together, utilise this energy and bring teams together.

Step 3

Create an accurate prototype

Working alongside another designer, we built out the two concepts, with the aim to get them as realistic as possible, ready for two days of user testing. We saved time by using Grovers existing components as well as working together to create some new components that both concepts used. This allowed me to focus the newer Ui aspects & interactions of my teams concept.

Step 3

Create an accurate prototype

Working alongside another designer, we built out the two concepts, with the aim to get them as realistic as possible, ready for two days of user testing. We saved time by using Grovers existing components as well as working together to create some new components that both concepts used. This allowed me to focus the newer Ui aspects & interactions of my teams concept.